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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yay i was watching Tarzan with Travis ans suddenly i received something from Lizhu
"LIZHU says:
Yup i should do it now :) TARZAN IS SO COOOOOL and JANE IS SOOOOO CUTE. i really really like her, but the problem is tarzan is very strong ummmm
I just realized something while watching the movie
"Anh hung` la` phai co' my~ nhan~" =)) for those who dont understand what it means, ask any of your vietnamese friends la :D

the next movie's Nobita's the Night before the Wedding...How come all the girls in any cartoons have to be so cuteee ???? I wish my wife would be someone like Xuka :D
I realized something else
"You dont have to be smart, you dont have to be shiny, you be good to your wife, be a good househusband, that's enuf :)" good job Nobita ^^

Am i really high or am i just trying to hide my true feeling?
Sometimes it's very easy to do something which you think you can't do
If you have the confidence
If you dare

posted by always make you smile @ 8:45 AM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I hate those who never update their blogs and keep asking me to update mine!!!!
Dont be selfish la, i need reading material also!

Okay if i have to describe my life now, Malaydance would be the most appropriate description!!!!
Training, training, training and then training, training, training. It has been tiring, but i believe the results will pay off :) more than ever, i really think that we can achieve our goal. Or have we already achieved it??

haha i just found a song titled "my darling", it's just so simple but sweet. I can't stop laughing while listening to this song hahahahaha. Enjoy people

on the field, everyone will taste humiliation once or twice while playing
a player that never suffered from it doesn't exist
the first-class players, as a tribute to all their effort, will quickly stand up
the avarage players will stand up after a little while
and the losers, will keep lying down on the floor

posted by always make you smile @ 8:33 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yay, NJC malay dance rocks :D
I really enjoyed myself through out the camp, esp the night walk. So fun :D
The only thing that irritated me was my knees. It was kinda sad when everyone practiced and i could just sit there and watch.

I dunno why but recently some people keep asking me the same question and i dunno why i can't give them the answer haizzz.
Haha, keep guessing lah, one day your guess will be correct i promise hehe.

I was very happy and relieved the moment Mrs Tan said she decided to intervene in our training. Somehow, her comments are freakingly correct and scary. it helps people to know what's wrong with their steps and they MUST change it.
We need to train much more, the standard now is not high enough but i can start feeling the change in the attitude of everyone.
Go NJC MLD, i believe our dream will be achieved. We will rock the stage, wow the judges and the other jcs will not even want to dance after seeing our performance yay.
Thinking about it really makes me feel a bit excited. I need to go drink some water now.

For those who's sleepy or those dont like to read a very long..eh..post, you can stop here. Thx a lot for reading my blog though :d
For those who want to kill a bit of your time, i know some of you are, continue reading. The next part is for you :)
I've been asking myself a question.

"What is love?"

A simple question with only 3 words, yet different people still have different answer and none of those answer is said to be "absolutely correct". Someone wrote this

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down."

Wahlao, i hope you didn't really read the whole paragraph above. I ended after the 4th sentences. Haha i'm just not bright enough to understand the meaning of those sentences.

Another person said
"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven" :)

See, just a simple question, yet the answer may be very short and may also be very long and difficult to understand. Today i tried to define for myself what love is because it's a question i've asked myself for so long without obtaining an answer.

And somehow the answer i got was not something very cheem as i thought

If your life is an endless one-way road with the forests in both sides, then love will just be a bottomless, dark, broad hole that just appears in the middle of the road. People know there's a hole there, but somehow they still keep falling into the hole. That's probably the reason why the phrase "fall in love" was invented.
And whether to fall or not to fall is the biggest decision a person has to make in his life.

Not everybody makes the same decision the moment they see this hole. After thinking for a while, i concluded that there are basically 4 big groups of people in this world, they will react differently in this situation.

- Those who fall into the hole belong to the 1st group. Let me call this group A. people in A often think that love is the key that brings them all the happiness. Yup. it's may be true. I dunno though.

This group can be further divided into smaller groups.

+ A1: Those who keep falling further and further and dont know when to stop. I think they're in big trouble. The more they fall, the more clueless they will be and thus, they will jsut fall further. They will just keep falling and falling to the point that they can't climb up anymore, and the route just get darker and darker. They think they are in heaven, but they just dont know that it's hell.

+ A2: Those who fall in love and yet, still manage to make the best out of it. They can find their own way down there and connect it back to the original route. And i'm sure the route they find will be very beautiful with all the flowers blooming at the 2 sides of the road. That's when they know what real happines is. The process of falling inside the hole is a real adventure that will be very helpful in life. It's an essential skill people have to learn.

- Next group is the group of those who dont know what to do. Either they're indecisive, can't make their own decisions or they're very smart, have to spend like very long to list out all the pros and cons if they fall. I dunno what to comment about this group. I just wonder how are they going to continue their journey if they can't make a move. Let me call this group B

- The third group of people, group C, tries to find another way, into the forest, so that they dont have to face the big hole. In some way, they are better than the 2nd group. Again, this group can be further divided into smaller groups.

+ C1: Those who're not brave enough to face the hole. They can't make their own decision about crossing the hole and what they choose is not to face it. Probably they will just get lost in the forst while finding their own route. They know it but they just can't go back to where they came from. I think most of them would wish to have a second chance, to face the hole again.

+ C2: Those who are very ambituous that have a very big vision and want to do something incredible.They will not get lost in the forest because they know what they need to do, where they need to go. But when they get out of the forest, they will go inside a maze. There they will find the next test of their lives. If they're good enuf, they can get out of the maze easily and then achieve whatever goals they have in life. But if they aren't, then they will just be the same as those who get lost in the forest.

- The last group should be the group of people who can jump through the hole using their beliefs. for example, the monk will not stop in front of the hole even for 1 second. It's very easy for them to make a decision because they dont believe in what normal people believe in. it will still be the same road for them once they jump over the hole, which is the road with the forests at both side, and they're happy with that. Yes, i really admire those people. That's the reason why i wont give any stupid name for this group.

Whatever group you're in, what you need is a good advice from someone you trust. It will help you to get through all the difficulties you have in life, provided that person is knowledgeable and smart.

Okay i should stop now. If i have time i really want to elaborate more on each point. And i also want to draw a picture to illustrate my belief, but i'm just bad at drawing >.< argh

What i can do is for the next few posts is, if i really bored and i have no idea what to talk about, i can talk about each of the 4 groups. i still have a lot to say abt them, a lot.

Now another question for me to ponder,
"which group am i belonging to, group A or B?"
Seriously, i'm kinda clueless now.
I need some help.
Where's the knowledgeable person that i would ask for advice?

posted by always make you smile @ 5:41 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sometimes you find someone that you can devote your whole life just to see her smile.
You try your best just to realize in the end that you and her are not meant for each other.
You cant do anything.
You can just let it go.
Poor boy.

Hopefully i'm not that pathetic guy above!

" There's only 1 rule on the battlefield: Winning!"

I just changed my hairstyle and it does remind me of the old days when i was still playing tabletennis >.<
Hopefully i can move more freely tmr during dance :D

posted by always make you smile @ 9:45 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009

i should update my blog sometimes :)
so many things have happened recently and not all of them are good
but i'm quite content with the way i live now :)

today was such an eventful day

it started with me breaking the alarm clock just to sleep for 5 more mins and then ended up waking up 30mins late. then i went to drink water without knowing that i was half-naked and it was not very early that nobody was there.
and by saying nobody, i mean "girl"
hahaha, how wonderful my morning was.

Then went to school and felt amazed by the spirit of the JH1 kids. All the best kids, hope you can keep that spirit until JC1.
As jH1 --> jC1, sprit = High --> Crestfallen. (by Minh's theory of limit)

Then somehow today i was late for all the classes, and then running like hell there just to realize that the teacher was even later. And all the lessons just passed by with the teachers talking about their's life experience. What a coincidence :) And there's only one thing i've learnt from today's lesson. There're people who can do ANYTHING as long as it's NOT what they're supposed to do at the moment >.<

MY CS's team won today, thanks to the indecisiveness of the team leader. If "HE" could be a little bit more decisive, then maybe i would not be here writing this post now hehe.

My AMC score is 85.5. Which means i can't get into the 2nd round. I think this time i can't use the lame old excuse anymore, "haha AMC is not made for me blah blah"
Umm i'm not sad about the result, at least got some improvement teehee. but i'm angry about the way i did the questions. If i could have been a little less careless and read the first few questions correctly, i think now i can laugh at my friends who can't pass the test hahaha =)) it's "if only" again. Life is like that. Tough. You will never know what you did was right or wrong until you get the result and then say"if only ...".
Nvm, have to train more, still 1 year left, see you next year AIME.

Okay so many things happened yesterday, now the time is 0:04 btw. Hopefully not many things will happen today, i dun want to spend time writing them down again...

And my knees hurt.

like everyone else

cuộc sống mấy ai nào biết trước định mệnh và có mấy ai tự đổi thay đời mình?

posted by always make you smile @ 7:58 AM