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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i hate it when people do experiment with my hair while i'm watching Tom n Jerry :(

posted by always make you smile @ 6:24 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2011

there are days when i wake up with more than 10 messages in my phone and the only thing i want to do is to smile and go back to sleep. life has been really crazy for me recently. there're hardly any days i reach home before 10pm. Back when i was in Vietnam i wanted to go to Singapore to get "busier" but, well to be honest, i didn't expect such a busy life. There always seem to be somethings for me to do. I can't say i don't enjoy my life but it would be great if i can have a long break once in a while :)

anyway since i'm on the topic of busy life, there is one thing i want to confess. i told people around me not to take things for granted but somehow i did. I spent so much time with many people yet i forgot about those who meant the most to me. I gave away my care so freely yet i often ignored those who cared the most for me . I always receive their support yet i somehow fail to give them the same support they deserve. I took them for granted and for that stupid mistake i almost lost them. I know i was lucky to be given the second chance and i know i wouldn't have the same opportunity again so thank you for being so generous and thank you for accepting me to be a part of your life again. Now that i realize my time is limited and i should only spend it with those who really deserve it. And definitely you do :) Thank you and i hope that i wont ever disappoint you again!!

I'M NOT EMO! tsk i'm just being sincere!

posted by always make you smile @ 7:24 AM

Thursday, April 14, 2011

it's always good to be able to look at things from different perspectives. and it's also good to listen to other people's opinion about things also. But just looking and listening only can't bring you to a good conclusion. there must be some thinking involved.

i'm a deep thinker i agree. and i always feel troubled when i can't come up with an answer for things i think about.

today i feel so troubled. and so is my roommate. it has been a long time since i last felt this way. everything is over but why this anxiety in my heart doesn't seem to quiet down? hopefully an early sleep can help refresh my mind and hopefully i'll be able to come up with a good answer tomorrow.

good night my beloved friends :)

posted by always make you smile @ 6:22 AM